Originally Posted by smirkley
I love this mod,....but,...
It really badly needs to un-do thread/username changes automatically when refunded from store (or expires), when certain related store items are disabled, or the whole product is uninstalled or disabled.
This is very important to say the least.
For this reason many of my store items are disabled, and I am stuck with discolored thread titles in thread lists, that will not revert at all.
In the new release their is a timeout option which has been requested since version 1.0, it will undo about 80% of the purchases after a set period of time. That will help with the colored thread settings which is one of them or user titles or pretty much anything that is changed to the user database.
One of the very few things that the timeout option does not fix is a changed username. Here's the reason why, when a user changes their username, they use the new username to login. If that times out or you uninstall the product or whatever the reason, they'll still be using the new username to login and not the old one yet it will have reverted back to the old one. That will create instances where the user can't login because they didn't know or forgot about the revert of it. I just forsee too many issues regarding that therefore I'm leaving it so that if you change a username, it is a permanent option. I will say this is one of the few things in 3.1 that cannot be reverted by a timeout option. Maybe I'll add it as a refund option so that users who are not happy with their username change can change it back; however, hopefully you see my reasoning on why.
As for the PM glitch, yes it will be fixed. That is the most serious bug right now in the Point Market that is known and fortunately it's still not that serious.
04wayne I'll be looking into your lottery issues on Saturday as that's the day I'm planning on spending some time improving the lottery.
As for the reported user title change, this is what I am planning on doing (haven't done it yet). If a user goes to their usercp and changes their user title, I am going to add a plugin that will update all market purchases and by default mark them as expired so they do not change again. This will stop the reported bug that users change their user title and it reverts back to their market purchase. As for the admin cp... I'm still trying to come up with ideas on that to fix that part.
The Point Market is currently on track for a 3.1.0 Christmas Day release for you guys