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Upgrading from vBulletin 4.0.x
Close your board via the Admin Control Panel.
Upload all files from the 'upload/' folder in the zip, with the exception of 'install/install.php'. Then open the 'upload/includes/' folder. In this you will find You should rename this to config.php and then open it in a text editor.
Open your browser and point the URL to (where is the URL of your vBulletin). You should now be automatically forwarded to the appropriate upgrade script and step.
If any errors occur, copy the error and please contact support. DO NOT continue with the upgrade. Doing so may cause irreversible damage to the database.
Follow the instructions on the screen. Make sure you click next step or proceed until you are redirected to your Admin Control Panel. Here, you can reopen your board.
But that's strange... all the products working with misc.php give a blank page..?!