Encountering some SERIOUS problems with this mod after installation.
I uploaded all files to their correct location(s), then imported the product-itrader.xml file through the AdminCP > Plugins and Products > Manage Products > Add/Import Product. Installation completed without any error messages.
I've turned the iTrader system 'on' through the AdminCP, and gave my User Group (I have a separate User Group just for myself above and beyond the default 'Administrator' group) permission to view, rate, and administrate ratings; all other usergroup permissions have not been turned on yet. When viewing any user profile, the Feedback Score tab appears and their feedback is shown (all zeroes, as this is a new install of iTrader). The iTrader link is shown under the 'Communities' link in the navbar as well. All very normal.
However, the problems start here.
Whenever I click on the iTrader link in the navbar, the feedback score under my user name, or the View Complete Feedback link for any user, I get a "500 Internal Server Error" screen saying that the server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
I get this same error whenever I attempt to access ANY of the six .php files which were uploaded to the root directory of my site.
I know I am not the only person in this discussion thread who has experienced this issue, but seeing as vbenhancer has essentially abandoned all of us with respect to iTrader, can anyone suggest a possible fix for this? Could this be a PHP version issue (my server is running PHP 4.4.9)? Do I need to contact my webhost to request a PHP update?
I have wanted to install the iTrader mod for quite some time but have been putting off doing so due to an obvious lack of support. Now that I have done so, I am encountering EXACTLY what I feared would happen.