Originally Posted by carsafety
I don't really know about cookies, I've been using the checker and confirming with orders when I make one. There are a lot of combinations so I can't test them all, but so far I have since confirmed that my dual tag both validates and gives affiliate order credit to a previously unused tag, this was true from a desktop and via iPhone with a mobile redirect that further alters the URL.
I've also tested by ordering with other tag combinations and so far the only one that does not appear to have worked was the longer URL format that had a ? earlier in the URL and again for the tag. I only tested this via mobile. I will try it on desktop at some point too.
Let me know what you come up with. I worked on Amazon for a few hours and came up with workable definitions with the right URL, but they kept pulling incorrect images. Often it would pull the first image in the product suggestions.
On a side note, I'm wondering what you guys would like to see in a new version of AME. Try and think small for the time being. There are a few small bugs I'm going to try and fix, like the duplication with the default definitions and maybe add some more comprehensive Admin CP help. Anything small you'd like to see added?
So, when I do my revision of the AME product, I'm trying to come up with an appropriate and non-cofusting title. What do you guys think of AME: Legacy? :up::up: :erm: