Originally posted by Logo
can anyone post the final release for VB2.2.1 ??
Sorry but this one is a megathread.. it?s very hard to concentrate reading 20 sites...
Have to agree here,
am upgrading to 2.2.1 and it's getting a pain...
Whatever - the following has changed in 2.2.0/2.2.1:
1. register.php | step 2
Nam and Wolf42 are right (thanks), serious change here:
I recommend not to delete the old db string, but to change the bits which tube has added to reflect the changes (2 or 3 strings).
2. admin/index
damicatz has the solution to this one:
3. admin/misc.php (Update User's Titles)
You can look for
Update User's Titles and replace the line with
maketableheader("Update User's Titles - updates user titles and stars","",0);
or just add something like
updates user titles and stars, which is only cosmetics and not important at all (!)
4. usergroup.php | step 2
$cangetattachment seems to be new in 2.2.0 or 2.2.1, so change the db-strings as mentioned above - with care

Just add the 2 or 3 missing bits to the strings which are there, don't just exchange them...
Good luck,
Worked for me this way in 2.2.1.
And again: Adding manually the bits of tube's hack to the strings you find is a clean an somewhat simple method.