Sleepy as all heck, but I've got a few defs to release tonight. There here individually, or you can get them from the Master XMlL.
Updated Definitions
Amazon (Thumbnails)
This is a totally new definition, folks. So if you use it, keep in mind some of your older posts might not change over to it. It's cleaner and easier on the eyes than the original. You also need to add the following image to your
images/misc folder.
Dailymotion and Dailymotion (Short URL)
Updated Dailymotion, as well as created a def to embed videos based on the Short URL they give you for posting videos to Twitter.
EA Sports
You no longer need the
EA Sports (Highlight Reel) definition. This one covers them all.
Flickr (Photostreams) and Flickr (Sets)
Should no longer conflict with video URLs. (Photostreams) embeds the default photostream in a user profile, while (Sets) embeds the photostreams from user Sets.
Updated def seems to work 100% of the time, but occasionally can't pull a video thumbnail. Will ignore a YouTube video and post an auto formated link instead.
Fox News
Fox News (Old) definition is useless now, so you can delete it, if you want. I'm actually quite proud of this one, but it's for totally technical, geeky reasons.
JustinTV (Live)
Delete your
JustinTV (Live 2) definition, as this one covers it now.
Photobucket (Videos)
Should no longer conflict with image URLs and should keep your old FLV videos embedded if you haven't changed anything since last update.