From what little I could find in this thread about your Internal Linking codes I gathered you had a set- maybe different one for threads, forums, profiles, etc... I found this a little confusing. I made a custom internal links regex that works on all internal links no matter what type of page is linked and it's worked for me on all the links I've tried- threads, forums, profiles, etc...
The regex I'm using is:
and the replacement is:
<img src="/forums/images/icons/juoticon.GIF" border="0" align="absmiddle" /> <a href="/$p1&$p2">$ameinfo[title]</a>
which puts a small icon before the link and the title of the page as the link. It's been working for a few days and I've tried every URL combo I could think of including with styles and search highlights.
Is there any danger in using this if it seems to work?
(note I didn't include "net" in my URL because some people visit me on instead of