Originally Posted by vinzphua
The mod is NOT compatible with vb4 out of the box, but there is a simple change you can make to make it work.
1. Install as instructed.
2. Go to Admin CP -> Plugins & Products -> Plugin Manager.
3. Look for the register_form_complete hook for the isBot product and click Edit.
4. In the Plugin PHP Code text box, add the following line below the only line of code there.
vB_Template::preRegister('register',array('isbot_time1' => $isbot_time1));
5. Click Save and you're done.
Now you just have to wait for a bot to come along to test it.
I added it to both hooks as I wasn't sure which one to add it to. It works but I'm not sure which hook is making it work.
You also need to do the
value="{vb:raw isbot_time1}" in the template for vb 4.