Originally Posted by BadgerDog
Installed for testing ... thank you ..
As a Google Adsense publisher for both content and custom search engine (searches only our site internall), I assume this doesn't conflict with or violate any of our agreements with Google that could jeopardize our account with them and get us canceled?
Absolutely not, PubSubHubBub is a google supported indexation protocol, nothing more - it has zero impact on adsense etc.
Originally Posted by BadgerDog
Also, will see any improvement in how quickly new threads posted on our site appear in our Google custom search engine?
Hmmmmm.... that is a fantastic question.
I dont know if google CSE is rigged up to PuSH yet, a lot of google services are - but not all (this is a pretty new protocol after all). I will do some research of my own and see what the status is. Thanks for asking, its a valid point!
Originally Posted by BadgerDog
Finally, do I need to do this action below to get the benefits of this add-on and if so, sorry for my ignorance, but I don't understand this vernacular to know what to fill in for the answers?
Send an POST request to http://vbulletin.superfeedr.com, with the following params :
* hub.mode : subscribe or unsubscribe
* hub.verify : sync or async
* hub.callback : http://domain.tld/your/callback
* hub.topic : http//feed.you.want.to/subscribe/to
No, you dont need to worry about any of those instructions, thats handled internally.