Originally Posted by MoonDaemon
Great mod; just wondering how to maintain the Overdrive achievement since it keeps bouncing between a checkmark and X even though I have set it so that the achievement cannot be taken away if the user no longer fulfills the field; for the record, I've kept the requirement at the default of Activity=100
I've also had members receive negative points for their Miscellaneous category even after doing recounts several times; as far as I know, this does not seem to reflect any points that may be used in the Points Market or 'lost' when losing to a top score in Arcade games (both of which I have installed). Any idea where this is coming from and whether I am able to tweak it so that members do not receive negative points?
It shouldn't have anything to do with the market because everything that is calculated between vBExperience and the Market relies on the xperience_shop field in the xperience table, which is seperate from the misc field. I'm not exactly positive what all is calculated with the misc field but hopefully Phalynx can help answer your question.