Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
You know a lot of people get confused over what "supported" really means, might be worthwhile to address this during the next big site upgrade... like changing it to "Supported by Developer" or such.
Except, as I said, there are some mods that are marked Supported (by Developer) and yet the developer hasn't been seen for a couple of months. I know Paul added some code that would automatically change it to Unsupported if the developer hasn't show up online in X months (3, I think?), but there are some mods marked Supported where the Dev has been seen online but for some reason is no longer supporting that mod. It could be they forgot it was marked supported or that they are sick of the same questions all the time, or who knows, but it's misleading to still have it marked as Supported. That is why I recommend anyone wanting to install a mod to actually read the thread. You can then judge just how much, and how often, a dev is supporting the mod. (Of course there are other reasons to read the thread also, but that is a good one.)