Hi Shawn, I've been using this mod in my forums for several months now, and many members have been reporting intermittent outages with the page. It isn't browser or location specific, but has been happening quite a lot, and I've been really struggling to isolate the cause. To make matters worse, I've almost never been able to see this happening at my end (but am 100% sure it is happening to lots of other members).
The page still loads (and the rest of the site works fine), but the latest events will appear empty and nothing scrolls. Even when they refresh, nothing appears until perhaps several hours later. No particular event/post is known to trigger this, and the digitalpoint_spy table is fully populated and is getting updated correctly. The server load is also never very high. I suspect that this could be happening on other sites as well, but my site members just use the page so heavily that they notice the 5-10% of the time that it is happening.
getXML/processXML/push aren't working under certain conditions. Could it have to do with their function timings? Any ideas? Here's some of the customized timings:
var fadetime = .25;
var pushtime = 300;
var fadetime_end = 1.5;
var pushtime_end = 4000
Any help here would be greatly appreciated...