Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I noticed when someone links to an article on ESPN it tried to embed a video even though it's not a video just an article, so a big ugly black box shows up instead of a link. Is there a way around this? I had to disable ESPN videos because of this.
It should be noted that AME can be disabled per post by the user posting, for this very reason. I'll try to take a look at it and see why articles are now converting.
Originally Posted by Tariq AlAli
when do you think you will release the VB4.0.6 version ?
I haven't been able to work on 4.0 definitions in quite some time, but last I heard, development for 4.0 stopped a few months ago. I don't know that the 4.0 version of AME works with new boards anymore.
Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
flickr isn't working right for me... I had to disable all flckr definitions... links to flickr images were being show as if they were videos which then didn't work.
Flickr hasn't been very keen on maintaining a strict URL structure. If they keep this up, either I'm going to have to just instruct folks to turn AME off when posting pics, or drop the Flickr definitions altogether.