Originally Posted by INDYRPM
I did as you advised, and the timeslip uploaded successfully. And actually everything seems to work a lot quicker in regard to the page accepting the timeslip. However it still over-rides the default picture shown on the garage main page, as well as the forum home page garage gallery. When you click on the vehicle, however to edit its options... it shows the correct picture you are wanting as your primary picture on THAT page. And if you change the picture, the detail page of that vehicle will change it... However timeslip remains on garage homepage, and forum homepage.
Then if you attempt to fix this, by deleting the timeslip. By clicking the timeslip image, and clicking delete image... the page reloads, but timeslip remains.
It's possible the image might show up in the forum home random image block. I don't limit the type of image shown there, so it can be a timeslip or vehicle image. The top timeslip block shows the timeslip image associated with that timeslip, maybe that's what is confusing you?
Next version I'll put an option to limit the forumhome only to vehicle images.
I can tell you what to change if you want to manually do it for now.