Originally Posted by fxbattleground
I am trying to use WebTemplates to create a visitor landing page where they can take a tour of what is available inside the site - I see where to disallow, but how can i make an exception on this one page only?
By default your webtemplate will be visible to all (including guests) unless you specifically ban them from that webtemplate in webtemplate options.
However the problem with your situation is that, webtemplates inherit your general vbulletin permissions so if you disallowed guests in there, vbulletin will stop them before webtemplate hack has a say about the issue.
So the solution would be your changing vb permissions for guests and allow them to access "forum in general" but not threads or forums in particular. In other words, in edit usergroup options for guests permission "Can View Forum" should be set to yes but then you can set all other permissions as no according to your needs (eg. Can "View Thread Content" permission in usergroup options or ANY permissions in any particular forum under forum permissions page)