Originally Posted by El Intocable
I have Cpanel
Yes I did add a subdomain to
But do I need to make a redirection or something?
Thanks mate
If you setup the subdomain to point at the same place, then configure like i showed above, it should work automagically.
Originally Posted by KW802
Michael (and team)...
Before I re-invent the wheel in regards to getting my vBa CMPS modules to play nice with Cerberus, I noticed that some of the IB sites are using vBa CMPS and indeed the "** Load Config **" plugin is already looking for a "vba_newthreads_use_my_catids" setting though it is not documented anywhere.
Anybody from IB care to share the code for the CMPS modules that go along with that "'vba_newthreads_use_my_catids" setting? 
I have not used it with vBA (That was from the upgrade from the vb3 version), nor has it been tested.