I'm not qualified to post this? Really? Maybe you could point me to the test I need to take before I have your blessing to post things?
Seriously... What does it say in my initial post... let me paste it here:
I did not program this mod and can not provide any support.
He marked this as "resuable code" so I have re-uploaded it so someone might find this and further develop it.
If you can develop this please include credit to the original author- I didn't change anything but the version number and thread URL so I need no credit.
Nothing would make me happier than a better coder than I take over this mod and post it here for the community to enjoy. Besides the "re-usable code" I give explicit permission- nay, explicit
encouragement for someone to further develop this mod.
I didn't post this for any other reason then to energize interest in development of this mod. Who knows who might come across this and get that coder's "itch" to take it and run with it.
I just don't get your anger over why this was posted- are you mad you didn't think to post it so now you're not getting credit for the 7 "marked as installed" credits? Because if you want to post it and offer your expert support in your own thread, please do, I will even post a link to it in the top post here directing people to your thread.
I've never heard the term "Script Kiddie" but I can deduce it's a derogatory name more advanced programmers give to those not so advanced... so I guess I am...
hey I could be wrong as many have assumed that by my low class mod releases until they have a custom product coded and installed on their site so again maybe I'm wrong however when you state a ? mark after vB Class above and you mention in another post how you make it a point to state your a "Coder/Designer" on vb.org with the quality of your releases it makes me wonder, honestly it does in a professional sense and why I worded it "softly" to begin with, sorry to drag it out in the open further but I do not want to deny anyone I simply believe everyone deserves better.
I don't know where I stack up in the scheme of things in terms of my vbulletin coding abilities- I'm a self admitted jack of all trades and master of none. Does this put me in the top 50% of coders here or the top 90%, I don't know, I don't usually get into d!ck measuring contests, frankly I know I'll lose. All I know is every week I help many people on this forum, I get lots of thank yous in posts and PMs and I know me being here has helped a large number of people use and enjoy their forums better than had I not been here- and that's all the thanks I need- although the occasional donation is appreciated.
I really have no idea about the VB Class error in question because it's a result of vBulletin 4.x code and I currently have _zero_ desire to learn or support vB4 besides the occasional porting of my own mods.
The reference to being a "Coder/Designer on vb.org" was a joke in another thread. I really don't know who decides who is a Member, Contributor, Coder, Designer, or Coder/Designer... I released a couple of BB Codes and gave some basic PHP help, then I made some graphics to help someone else and I login one day to see I've now been deemed a Coder/Designer... I found it funny at the time... Since then though I have released real mods, template edits, and the like so I guess I grew into it.
What is wrong with the quality of my releases? How have they failed to meet your superior standards?
I'm not a professional coder, I don't claim to be- I don't read journal articles on the pros and cons of new search algorithms. When I make a mod I have Google working overtime searching this site and php.net and anywhere else I can find answers. I'm sorry if you think that doesn't qualify me to release products on this site, but the ~480 installs I do have marked on legitimate mods I'm sure would disagree with you.
I guess you can't please everyone...