Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
We had a discussion about this on vbulletin.com, I was told by other users it was probably at the request of the author- there wasn't any known security exploit or major error- it seems like Internet Brands simply decided for whatever reasons they no longer wanted to further develop this mod. Because it is so unique I (and others) felt it would be of service to the community to re-release it in hopes it might spur further development.
Yes and no, he did state it was to improve it and they did just that for 4.x here:
Many of us had a copy from the first release that does not mean since it said re-usable code that I or anyone else would simply upload it (besides you apparently) without making changes and adding in features due to the reason it was removed and how it was specifically stated it would be revised and re-released for 4.x. On top of that, imo you don't have the ability to properly support or add new features for 3.x - If I'm wrong please correct me.
Edit: I was wrong about Joe I must admit, he is offering support for this to the best of his ability imo and also helping out moreso in the Cerebrus thread too so my sincere apologies for jumping the gun Joe!