Follow up ...
For those of you running this vb4 [AJAX] Post Thank You Hack mod by Abe ...
There's a conflict when this mod puts it's ad as the last post. You can click the "Thanks" button but instead of the "Thanks" box appearing with your name pushing the ad down placed there by digitalpoint's mod and the "Thanks" button disappearing, all that happens is the "Thanks" button disappears as it should, but the screen jumps to the TOP of the thread.
If you scroll back down to where the ad is, you'll see that the "Thanks" button is gone, but there's no "Thanks" box with your name. The "Thanks" action did happen though and if you turn OFF the
Insert Ad After Post of this ad and view the same post the "Thanks" box is there with your name but of course, the
Insert Ad After Post ad which appeared after it is gone because you've turned OFF that part of this mod.
This problem seems to only happen when the post is the last one in the thread, at least that's what I think right now, since it doesn't happen when it places the ad after the first post, as an example.
Hope this helps others ....
Edit: I was wrong ... this conflict exists regardless of what post the
Insert Ad After Post element of this mod places the ad. It needs to be turned OFF if you're going to use it with Abe's mod. The place INSIDE ad part works terrific for us, particularly using naisho's edits to reverse the UserGroup ID connotation from being EXCLUDED to ONLY THESE GROUPs.