Now, i think I know the answer to this is probably going to be "rewrite the entire legacy postbit using tables".
However, I'm just wondering if there's a better way.
Currently, vB4 sigs are pushed to the bottom, which I like. (I hate the sigs (flaoting up0 to just below the end of the post).
HOWEVER, they are taking up another block of space below the postbit, wherwas on my 3.8 site I had styled it so they fitted WITHIN the postbit.
To explain better what I mean:
Here is how my vB4 postbit looks at present:
And here is a mockup of how I would LIKE it to look:
Is there any feasible way to achieve this on vB4 without completely re-writing the postbit? It was easy enough on vB3 due to the table structure.