Originally Posted by TrigZu
It has helped indeed. I'm going to go ahead and change that code now.
Perhaps rather than deciding whether or not to block or allow you could use both where blocks supersede allows. By doing so it might make the options menu slightly more confusing, but infinitely more versatile. Thanks for the reply.
I saw the link in your post on the table code, and I must say as a guest at least reading "You" instead of "Unregistered" made it make at least some sense. Lots of LOLs to be had with this... we have some lengthy and funny [you] threads too, I didn't link because they all require registration to view.
I will definitely work on the options, maybe let the admin choose whether they are allowing OR blocking by forum/usergroup. Also wondering if user's not allowed to use it should see "[YOU]" or perhaps some sort for error message when submitting a post instead so they can't even try.
@Loco.M - Thanks!