Originally posted by eva2000
1. is it possible to have the list of usernames visited today in a popup linked to the Number of active users today text ? my list page would be too long with 200 - 500 currentyly active + the list of users visited today
OK, now I have finished the changes you wanted.
I have attached the Instructions and a new PHP-File in a ZIP File to this Posting. Please let me now if it's that, what you wanted.
Info: My attachment does not only contain the changes to the Original Hack....it's a
complete new Hack, so it will be the best, you remove the other version of the hack.
I have forgotten something in onlinetoday.php (Moderators have not been highlighted), thanx to genial for the Fix!
I have replaced the Attachment with the new version.
Max users and date are now showing correct.
Fixed problem with the "Most Users"-Count
(Replace '
$maxusers[2] = $todayonline;' with '
$maxusers[2] = $numbertodayonline;' in index.php & onlinetoday.php)
Fixed the Query within onlinetoday.php and index.php
(includes now the User's Timezone)