The homepage is way to stiff. You have several boxes stacked on top of each other without proper margins. You should unify the styles of the boxes for your frontpage content. Right now you have a gradient and flat gray box. I would change everything to the gradient style and increase the spaces to make your content flow better. The boxes for "Treat Yourself", "Full Downloads" and "Support Above All" could use some additional padding. The Buy Now button looks tacky also with the proper matching background color of the box it is sitting in.
Additionally your frontpage does not convey ones attention into any particular direction. If your focus is on your "#1 Theme" then you may want to wrap a box or gradient background around the screenshot and Featured vBulletin Skin together.
Your logo also doesn't seem crisp, maybe increase the file quality?
Globally there is a lot of CSS that needs to be corrected. Such as you have the Premade Skin breadcrumbs with a dark blue background and dark red text on top of it. I would try to eliminate a few extra colors throughout your site that do not compliment your design.
With the changes I described above, I think you would have an elegant layout.