Originally Posted by jaribas
First Sorry for my english, i am spanish and i not learning english in the school.
My question is.. i need to put more than 2 banners in the header of the forum. Now i have 2 banners when i install the plug, and i like minimun 3 banners in the header. Is posible this?
Originally Posted by pitzerwm
I don't think that would be a problem.
You would either do <!--@vbbanners:0@--><!--@vbbanners:1@--><!--@vbbanners:2@-->
or <!--@vbbanners:0@--><br>
You might need the surrounding tags, as a <div> or a <table>
It's even easier:
This way, you have 3 or more banners in position 0, they rotate along with other banners in a single page.
You would use the different positions only where you have different banner types and must have a
distinct placement.