Originally Posted by wottech
In Alfa1's case, I think he has his static pages in specific folders, and each folder is named for a specific category. With that said, could you loop it to convert every file in a specified directory?
{runs and hides}
If it's on the same server and accessible with the current account it would be fairly easy. Walking a remote directory is harder, especially if you don't have ftp access.
So it depends really on how the server is setup.
Another way is to have a textbox where you can add several links at once, say a list of 200 of them, and cycle through those. But that's just easier on the coder
I'll play around and see if I can make it have several different options depending on how the site/server is setup.
In the case of multiple though I'd have to go with defaults on most of the options with the admin selecting the section to enter the new articles into. Then the admin would have to go through and modify the articles for their preview text, settings, etc.