@X-or: You can remove them from within downloads II, you can see by the filedate which are the old files. However, if you got that much files it's a problem indeed. I can't help you any further. That's the limitation of Downloads II.
@Michael24179: Alle files by Downloads II are called something like 23421-filename.zip and then next one is called 23422-filename.zip so every filename has a number in front of it. That's the way to prevent unwanted file overwriting when users uploads files.
That's also X-or's problem, because the choice must be made to either allow overwriting by uploading users or preventing that so admin can sort it out himself.
So when you upload files, you need to put them in the same download directory again and with the same filename, for example 23422-filename.zip in order to have them found again after a server move.
If you don't know the filename anymore, when the error "file xxx can not be found" the xxx will give you the correct number. Put that in front of the file again and it will be found.
Yep I know, lot of work. But if you don't want that you have to backup the files in their original uploaded form so with the numbers in front of it in the filename.
I can help you both only so far, I'm no coder. This is the way it is, if you need other solutions you need to wait until RS Jelle has time to answer you, maybe he has some idea's.