Originally Posted by dimopoulos
I am having an issue in the integration.
I followed the instructions.
Created the GCheckout account.
Added bank information/verified bank etc.
- Automatically authorize and charge
- Not checked the digitally signed cart box
- Typed (correctly) the callback URL
- Selected the first option in the Serial # (I don't have https)
- Selected API 2.5
In vBulletin I uploaded the class, installed the product and set up the merchant ID and merchant Key. I activated the gateway and tested the communication - all is OK.
Now when I go with a test account to subscribe, I see the google checkout option. I click on it, go to the relevant page with my subscription and pay for it.
In the Google Checkout account, I do see the charge, however it awaits for me to click the relevant button to make the order shipped. This is issue number 1.
Even when I do click shipped, I do not see the order in the logs nor do I see the subscription activated through the callback....
I am somewhat baffled by this. Any help is appreciated.
for starters, you don't have to worry about clicking ship or anything. once the order is charged, that is enough to initiate the proper callback to vB. vB doesn't care about the status of the shipment, so you don't have to click ship or anything.
if you are not seeing anything in the transaction logs, then google checkout is not communicating properly with vB. If there was an error in the communication, you'd still see that in the logs.
Double- and triple-check the URL that google checkout is contacting. It should be your forum address/payment_gateway.php?method=gcheckout
If that is correct, go to the Google Checkout Integration console (
https://checkout.google.com/sell/set...grationConsole). See if there are any errors listed.
Next, go to your transaction log verify the recent transactions (successful or otherwise). See if there are any listed errors for your recent GC transactions, anything at all being logged under gcheckout can be helpful
Finally, the process isn't as instantaneous as paypal. It usually takes 5-10 mins on average,