Originally Posted by wmguk
Hi Guys,
I'm using vb 4.0.8
I've uploaded all the flags - created a profile field called Country Flag and its field 44
added this to the postbit template
<!-- Wy Country Flags Start -->
<vb:if condition="$post['field44']"> <dt>Country</dt> <img src="http://www.digital-car.co.uk/forum/images/buttons/flags/{vb:raw post.field44}.GIF" alt="This is {vb:raw post.username}'s Country Flag" border="0" /></vb:if></p>
<!-- Wy Flags End -->
Tested http://www.digital-car.co.uk/forum/i...s/flags/UK.GIF shows up, which it does, however on the forums, its not there...
What did I do wrong?
Same for me. The coding must be different for 4.0.8 . The ones that had it on 4.0.6 or .7 and upgraded to 8, it probably converted the templates automatically. If one of them could post how the new code looks, we'd be set. I think