Originally Posted by Greek76
Ive got a question. How is it possible that a new user got all these points at one visit?
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 5000 Experience Points
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 25000 Experience Points
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 50000 Experience Points
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 1000 Experience Points
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 10000 Experience Points
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 500 Experience Points
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 100 Experience Points
01:23 AM Artificial achieved 250 Experience Points
Probably you use the option to recount only active members. This guy haven't write new post from ages, but he gain new points for time, reputation... etc. Probably he haven't write before you install the version with achievements

And you didn't recount when you install it. When he write new post Experience recount him and ... voala a lot of achievements.
Also check your Achievement goals.