Originally Posted by J3rico
Hi, i upgrade from 2.6 to 3.0, now if i click on the Sitemap Index -> http://www.mysite.com/forum/sitemap_index.xml give me this error :
You don't have permission to access /forum/sitemap_index.xml on this server.
vBSEO doesn't add a sitemap called 'sitemap_index.xml' (.gz extension is missing). 'Forbidden' errors are directly related to mod_security.
Originally Posted by J3rico
If i go to the previous link http://mysite.com/forum/sitemap_index.xml.gz (submitted to google and bing and worked until the upgrade) give me this error :
Sitemap file not found
Vbulletin version : 4.0.3 Patch Level 1
Can someone help me? thank's so much !!
Please make sure that you have generated your sitemaps, and also that there's a scheduled task called 'vBSEO Sitemap' within: AdminCP -> Scheduled Tasks -> Manage Scheduled Tasks