WOW after all this time I think we finally found the problem!
Setting this as my first line seems to have worked!
I have to be honest the directions posted by the developer severely lack clear instructions. However, lost is the dev's post is this:
With multiple queries, using the standalone file simultaneously, you must ensure that the standalone file comes first:
That is still poor and not clear! Whatever your CMPS homepage is titled you must have that listed first if you use this mode to point to multiple pages which are created by VBA.
So in my case the solution to get this mod to work is:
/index.php?pageid=about:Public Page - About Us:pageid=about
/index.php?pageid=features:Public Page - Features:pageid=features
/index.php?pageid=rules:Public Page - Rules:pageid=rules
/index.php?pageid=privacy:Public Page - Privacy Policy:pageid=privacy