Originally Posted by Zombo
hi, is there a feature to scan the current database and remove spambots before the mod was installed?
No, because on very large boards that would mean submitting one query for each existing user to StopForumSpam.com. They have a 5000 query per day limit so that would end up getting the larger boards banned from using their service. Unless, we built in some queue mechanism to send batches of users for checking against their database, but that is a bit out of the scope of what we want to do with this mod, plus it is not nice to submit huge batches to a service like SFS.
Originally Posted by leigh123@linux
That has been addressed in the upcoming 2.x series.
Originally Posted by sarangan
You forgot to change version number to 1.2.8 in xml file.
Yes, that was addressed a few posts ago, but thanks for the reminder