Hello, there'are a new youtube definition for the skins version 2.0?
Bewcause now dont need to unpack anything but load directly the zip file.
If you are using a 1.0 Skin:
To use your new JW Player skin: unpack the .zip, locate the .swf file, and upload it to your server.
Then you just need to reference it in your player's HTML embed code with the flashvar "skin=path/to/your/skin.swf" — it's that easy.
If you are using a 2.0 Skin:
To use your new JW Player skin: locate the .zip file, and upload it to your server.
Then you just need to reference it in your player's HTML embed code with the flashvar "skin=path/to/your/skin.zip" — it's that easy.
not work for me :/