I like the idea of the website, and being in the media field myself (although slightly different) I always love checking out websites that are media orientated.
However as said above the colors and overall design leave alot lacking. I don't mean for this to sound disrespectful as I do know how hard it is to be working on a forum my network has four and it's been a six month project so far that will hopefully be completed shortly so I do understand how much work is involved with designing a forum.
I think with some slight modifications to the overall layout/style it can be visually appealing and when I finish my network which would hopefully be very soon (am hopeful for tonight) I would be more than happy to offer my services free of charge to help you with some design work - as someone who is not directly connected to the site.
I think the right idea is there, and really like what your doing but for me to spend time somewhere posting etc I need to like the layout as if I don't like the layout I wouldn't be going there.
I wish you all the best and hope you keep us updated with any design changes you make.