I would like to install this, but I have my doubts about several things. So I only tagged it for the moment.
no new code whatsoever (file compare the two if you don't believe me).
I don't believe you because the 2.1.0 version is different, also in size and give's an error notice when installing.

Why would Pixelfx want to discredit you? I don't see him pointing to you anywhere.
I had a problem with the bank (users suddenly lost all their money in the bank), which you told me would be automatically fixed with the new version when you still was on vbcredits. Did you mean this version? I doubt it because there isn't a bank in this one anymore.
And if I understand correctly, my users will lose everything they have on the bank, so they have to remove all from the bank into their account first?
Is the bank coming back?
Is your new mod compatible with IbPro Arcade 3.+ as the old version was?