Here is the way you can use this mod. Log in MyAdminPHP and click on usergroup table, change the opentag and closetag from CHAR to TEXT and save it.
It'll be worked 100%. And the html boxes will be unlimitted
Just upload the header-color.js and footer-color.js to the root, and use these codes below.
1.) To use the "Shine" animation: Being careful to replace
You can configure all color and speed if you want.
add this is the first box of the usergroup html markup
<font color="#33FF00"><SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> var scolor='#FFCCCC'; var a_speed='140'; var shimmercount=shimmercount+1; eval('var shimmerspeed' +shimmercount+ '="' +a_speed+ '"'); eval('var shimmercolor' +shimmercount+ '="' +scolor+ '"'); document.write("<span id='" + shimmercount + "shine'>"); </SCRIPT>
and this is the second box of the usergroup markup
2.) To use the "Glitter" animation: Being careful to replace
<b><i><font face="Palatino Linotype" color="#ffa500" style="background:url( repeat-x">"); </SCRIPT>
and this is the second box of the usergroup markup
3.) To use the "Rainbow" animation:
<font color="red"><b><SCRIPT language="JavaScript">var rainbowcount=(rainbowcount+1); document.write("<span id='rain"+rainbowcount+"'>"); </SCRIPT>
and this is the second box of the usergroup markup