Originally Posted by StarBuG
Search for
<div id="thread_controls" class="thread_controls
I think the "toolsmenu" part was added in later Versions.
or as alternative search for this code and put my code below it:
<div id="pagetitle" class="pagetitle">
{vb:rawphrase thread}: <span class="threadtitle"><a href="{vb:raw thread_url}" title="{vb:rawphrase reload_this_page}">{vb:raw threadinfo.title}</a></span>
<vb:if condition="$show['fb_likebutton']">
{vb:raw fblikebutton}
However you should really upgrade your vBulletin because there are tons of bugfixes since 4.0.4
Sorry, my bad ...
I found it ...
The darn "search" in templates doesn't find things sometimes, particularly if there's quotes and other symbols in the search. I went into the 4.04 Showthread template and found it manually, so it is there. I added the template edits and upload the files, including your new coloured buttons, which look great ... :up:
The only thing I notice is that when I click the A+ button for the first time in any thread, nothing happens. When I click it a second time, at that point the font size increases a level? Is that because of our default font size or something like that?
PayPal on the way ... thanks again... nice work and I know there's a whole bunch of very old military veterans with bad eyesight that will appreciate this mod ... :up:
Badger (Doug)