No, but I have found this is a widespread issue.. many bloggers posting about the exact same issue... no one can seem to find a rhyme or reason when it works or doesn't work. Hopefully twitter is working on the issue, I'd imagine they have to know about it considering how wide spread the issue is. All I can suggest for no is to disable the count or let your members know the count isn't working right yet... I'd imagine someday it will just start working when Twitter fixes the issue.
I went through about 10 different options using canonical links, data-url, and count-url options for the twitter tag and using both "basic" friendly and "advanced" friendly URL's in vbulletin and nothing worked.
I wish I knew if it was something new in 4.0.8 or if older VB4 versions also stopped counting- not that I'm in a position to do much about it but it would be nice to know.
Anyone with VB4 have this still working right?