You have made a lot of beginner mistakes. Mistakes that all of us have made before.
1. Too many forum sections. You will never fill all of them, and people will have a hard time figuring out where to post something because it can fall under multiple sections. Less is always better! Suggest you cut down the 40+ sections down to 4 or 5 general sections.
2. Colors are way to bright and bold. Choose subtle and mellow colors, like pastel colors.
3. Make logo smaller, so you dont waste all that header space.
4. Don't post a billion threads under your name, all asking short simple questions. Nobody is going to spend time registering just to answer your question "where can i buy soft drinks." Write 600-900 word posts if you want to get search ranking and interest. Quality not quantity.
5. Too many others to list.
Too many forum topics. Unless you have a thriving forum with thousands of members, your forum has too many topics.
I suggest you group them under fewer, more related categories.