Originally Posted by AWJunkies
That is because you did NOT read the setting that you enabled which was ADD awcoding subscriptions to goal amount. Turn off the setting that you turned on as you obviously don't have that mod installed.
Please read setting before turning them on if you don't know what it is or does.
Misread the settings, yes (human error). This corrected the issue. (Thank you)
I'm going to play with this some more. I'm having some issues with Google Checkout working with this
Debugging information
If you are acting on behalf of the merchant, more information about this error has been made available in the Integration Console under the Tools section. You can access the details of this error directly by logging into your merchant account and then pasting the following url:
Also if I select
navtab, the tab shows up... But no drop down menu & the link is basically dead (even with the default vBulletin theme).
navbar however works (although admittedly small to notice).
I'll be going very thoughtfully through the settings.