What mod is this vb4 forum using?
Hey guys,
I would like to ask about the mod that this forum is using:
Answer: Users Online Mod
If you scroll to the bottom of that forum, it shows:
What's Going On?
Currently Active Users: 61361 (564 members and 60797 guests)
Now I can confirm that site receives less than 1,000 visitors daily, but which mod is he using that allows them to spike up their guests number? Also across their entire forums it shows a very inflated number of people viewing their forums like: Bags, Wallet & Purses (8535 Viewing)
I have seen quite a few forums with low traffic yet insanely high stats, does anyone know which mod is this?
Also on a sidenote, how do I enable my forum to show the names of the users that are online now? Thank you guys!!