Originally Posted by RichieBoy67
Can someone give me a brief update on how to use this with Vb Experience? I have added market_xperience in the market options but is there something else I am supposed to di or is this not the field name for experience cash?
I am getting some errors saying something about the cash filed being empty..
In addition I cannot find this field in user..
Thanks much..
Talk Internet Community Development
That means the user has no points in vBExperience with your user. Have you run the updater for vbexperience yet afterwards? In order to view the market you need to have at least some point value even if it's .0000001. I'm going to remove that on the next release to just check if the field exists. Any user who has at least that much will be able to view the market.
Originally Posted by perfectweddings
Hi Mayhem, I would like to ask does your points market system still work with vBcredits II Duluxe? Because I tried vbExperience and I cant seem to select how many points I want to give per post so I may end up needing to get vbcredits instead but I love the points market system that you created, I hope this still works with vbcredits II delux before I buy it? If it does, I would definitely donate for the good work you have done! Please let me know, thank you!
Yes last I checked it did. I made this originally for vBCredits because I've always been a fan of Dark/PixelFX's work. It should work for both version of vbcredits depending on who you are using just make sure that you are using the correct field name in the Market settings. Ex: credits