One thing people need to consider is that if they sending la low volume of clicks to eBay they are getting pooled into groups for EPC calculation based on eBay's Quality Click Pricing. Based on our experience with thousands of publishers and millions of clicks, the low click pooling threshold is around 150 clicks per day.
If you don't get above that amount, your stats are pooled together with other publishers of a similar profile. Then eBay uses their QCP algorithm to figure out how much to pay you.
Also, TSR, if you're making 25% of what you were when you were direct with EPN, then I'd encourage you to go back to direct with EPN. We can exclude overwriting affiliate eBay links. That way you can still use DrivingRevenue / Viglink to affiliate over 12K other merchant links. We're in this to help publishers & forums make money, we certainly don't want to be detrimental to that cause.
Let us know how we can help.