So this is what happens. I, as the admin, try to invite someone to a room I created. But the user I want to invite doesn't get invited, instead one random person from the first 9 users of the forum is invited instead. Actually, it is not quite random. If I invited user with ID between 40-49 then the user with id 4 will be invited! Similar for others. So if the user id has two digits then the user corresponds to the first digit get invited. But this principle somehow changes when we go to users with userid having three and more digits. When I invite the user with ID 160, nothing happen, i think the system must've looked up this user and mistakenly associate this user with my username, which has uid=1, and then it doesn't do anything. May be the first digit of the userid is always mistakenly thought of as the actual userid.
One the other hand, anyone who invites me or somebody in the first 9 users can do so without any problems.