I've found also some bugs that are too much important and, in my opinion, it's important to solve it:
1. When users do the log and click "remember me", seems that the forum isn't able to save the users login details (it's not a forum problem, because before I had the vbulletin base theme and I hadn't this issue)
2. When you click on Login and the pop up window is shown, if I try to click on "Help?" or "Have you lost your password?", they send me on the forum homepage (links are the same and equal to "forum.mydomain.com/#")
3. The SEND PM icon under the users avatar doesn't work. If I click it, it sends me on the forum homepage
4. I've a problem with buttons alignment inner the discussions. How can I solve it?
This is a great theme that I want to continue to use for my forum and I hope you can help me to solve it. Thanks for all.