Originally Posted by y2ksw
Maybe the imported folder needs chmod 777, as stated from a user after your question.
If the plugin creates subfolders and files in the imported folder, it works. Eventually, it will need a long time to catch up to the current posts. On our production board, it took about a week to run through 800.000+ posts, with setting Maximum Post Count: 1000. Please remember, it needs a very powerful server and a long script timeout to run through 1000 posts at each time. Our timeout was set to 5 minutes in the starting phase.
After the plugin had catched up, we set the Maximum Post Count: 10, which suffices for a board with about 1000 new posts each day.
Please feel free and translate/publish the product on your site 
thank you for your help
i have chmod 777 for folder and i had old version in my vb3.x.x and no new images
that main don't need more time for import images to my site only new posts and that not much