Originally Posted by y2ksw
The [hsurl] tag won't get parsed, thus you don't have to worry about this tag.
However, if your users are copying and pasting the image contained in [hsurl] in some way, vbulletin would wrap it with a standard [img] tag. For this you should add photos.imageevent.com/to the ignore list, just to make sure it never gets imported, no matter which tag is used.
Sorry for being so dense ....
So, this line of code (or any part of it) on the site would NEVER get touched by your mod when it executes .. correct?
Originally Posted by y2ksw
PS: In order to scratch off the hsurl tag, you probably will need another filter. An URL around an image remains untouched.
Another filter? Such as?
I wish there was some way I could test what this mod does and view it's impact, restricting it's cron execution to just a specific "Test Forum" ID, so it didn't act on any other data in the databse. In that way, we could make sure we didn't mess up 4 years of posts without a test. Is that possible to have a test forum ID mode that one can turn ON and OFF?
Thanks again ...