Try this: create a new plugin using hook location reputation_add_complete and this code:
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->GPC['ajax'])
$post = $userinfo;
$repdisplay = fetch_reputation_image($post, $userinfo['permissions']);
require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_xml.php');
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_misc.php');
$xml = new vB_AJAX_XML_Builder($vbulletin, 'text/xml');
$xml->add_tag('reputation', '', array(
'reppower' => fetch_reppower($userinfo, $userinfo['permissions']),
'repdisplay' => process_replacement_vars($post['reputationdisplay']),
'userid' => $userinfo['userid'],
and remember to select 'Yes' to enable the plugin. (This code is just a block of code I copied from below the hook location, but I removed the popup info from the xml).
I tried it a little but you'll probably want to test yourself to make sure it's actually working and changing the reputation.