Originally Posted by jthorpe
I'm having an issue whereas each time a person gets thanked, it's counted twice instead of once. For instance, if one person thanks another, it says the following two people have thanked you for xxx post. Anyone seen this before? Where can I go to fix it? I've been searching but haven't been able to find a solution.
Personally, i would uninstall the mod, remove all uploaded files, reverse any template issues you made then reinstall afresh, dont make any template changes and see how the mod works, if it performs as it should then it was a template chnage that caused the duplication...etc, i have it installed on my site and have had it installed since using 3.7.x, i've always upgraded (well not to nasty nasty vb4.0.x) im now on 3.8.6 and it still works perfect!