To be realistic, there are several ways that they can work out a deal... A couple easy ways would be:
First of all, I do not belive that JSpell is prepared for a tidalwave of vB's customer base looking for support on how to install the product, so that would require a few of us becoming resident experts on this product and spending some hours helping each other...
... or this could be easily done with templates designed by the vB team and a bugfix/feature improvement release sort of like the prior releases of vB with the support commented out... And for an additional cost (I don't belive that vB will pick this cost up but I could be wrong) existing members could purchase this module and easily add it to their forum with very limited support required...
Either way I'll be happy knowing that we do not have to hang by's thread anymore... I really didn't like the banners myself, and their paid solution was not even deserving of a good laugh, being able to host the dictionary on my own server would simply be fantastic... no other overloaded servers to depend on... I'm glad I kept an eye on that company, I believe both of these companies can work together... That's why I made the intro...